
I teach graduate and undergraduate courses primarily in the department of Communication, often cross-listed in the department of Ethnic Studies and the program in Critical Gender Studies. Syllabi below are representative of the kind of courses I typically teach. Please feel free to borrow from any aspect of these syllabi (attribution appreciated).

NB: Syllabi will be posted soon.

Practicing Abolition (graduate seminar at UC San Diego)

Performance Theory (graduate seminar at UC San Diego)

The Politics of Pessimism (graduate seminar at UC San Diego)

Performance and Performativity (graduate seminar at Stanford)

Performance Ethnography (graduate seminar at Stanford)

Performance and Cultural Studies (upper-level undergraduate seminar at UC San Diego)

World Without Jails (upper-level undergraduate seminar at UC San Diego)

The Social Life of Illness (upper-level undergraduate seminar at UC San Diego)

On Constitutions (intermediate-level undergraduate course at UC San Diego, co-taught with Val Hartouni)

Introduction to Communication (lower-level undergraduate core course at UC San Diego)